Sunday, March 13, 2011

Book Promos Help People Kill Time

One of Thailand’s most known publishers is called A Book. They see ‘waiting’ as a chance to promote their books. When people have to wait they are bored most of the time, but A Book found a way to entertain people during the wait and promote their books at the same time. They are using some unusual media on which they print short stories that people can read when waiting. 5 concepts were developed: queue up tickets, running late SMS, widgets, place mats and sticker lines

My kind of rock star - Intel tv spot

Intel's 2009 advertisement showing intel as a main driver in technology. This advertisement shows an intel employee as a rock star (he is a co-inventor of USB)

testing testing! Can you hear me people?

First timers here... Just decide to "activate" this blog in order to expose great ideas of advertising, marketing, viral campaigns etc

Hope you like it and that we will help each other to find qualitive time during hard working hours...

don't forget...we are tryhard people :D